Gardening tasks for May

Here’s a list of gardening tasks that are typically recommended for May in the UK:

1. **Planting**:
   - Sow seeds for summer flowers such as sunflowers, marigolds, and zinnias.
   - Plant out tender annuals after the risk of frost has passed.
   - Start planting out vegetable seedlings like tomatoes, peppers, and courgettes.

2. **Weeding**:
   - Regularly check for weeds and remove them to prevent them from going to seed.

3. **Mulching**:
   - Apply mulch around plants to retain moisture and suppress weeds.

4. **Watering**:
   - Ensure that newly planted seeds and plants are kept well-watered as the weather warms up.

5. **Pruning**:
   - Prune spring-flowering shrubs after they have finished blooming.
   - Trim back any dead or damaged branches from trees and shrubs.

6. **Lawn Care**:
   - Mow the lawn regularly and consider applying a lawn feed.
   - Aerate the lawn if it’s compacted.

7. **Pest and Disease Control**:
   - Monitor plants for pests and diseases and take appropriate action.

8. **Harvesting**:
   - Start harvesting early crops like radishes and salad leaves.

9. **Propagation**:
   - Take cuttings from shrubs and perennials to propagate new plants.

10. **Planning**:
    - Plan for summer displays and consider what flowers and vegetables you want to grow.

These tasks may vary slightly depending on the specific weather conditions and location within the UK, so it's always good to check local gardening advice.